Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Barry town...

The John Barry sound was established as early as the 1950's - witness the marvellous, 'Watch your step,' instrumental of 1957 - credited to the John Barry 7.

Since 1960, Barry had been involved in film music, writing, sometimes performing and conducting the scores/incidental music to two British thrillers starring Adam Faith; an artist whose early career, in some ways, he paralleled.

Barry's abilities came to the attention of film producers Saltzman and Broccoli whilst working for EMI records, producing and arranging material for their roster of recording artists. They were impressed. So much so, that they decided to give the 29 year old a chance to work on one of their upcoming EON projects...the rest is history.

John Barry was a musical genius. Notable, not only for his immeasurable contribution to the James Bond series of films, but for his talent in transforming base elements into cinematic silver and gold - often, solely, because of his contribution. It's also impossible to watch memorable films such as, 'Midnight Cowboy,' and, 'Walkabout,' without being affected emotionally by their images and their musical counterpoint.

Thanks John, for your gift of beautiful music.

'Watch Your Step'
'Beat Girl'
'Florida Fantasy'

***The above contains spoilers***

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